The Social Stock Exchange is regulated by SEBI and it is an offering by NSE and BSE, that can help Social Enterprise(s) to raise funds from public through the stock exchange mechanism. This should act as an interface between Social Enterprises and fund providers so that they may help in choosing those entities creating measurable social impact and reporting such impact.  

In 2023 SGBS was the first NGO to get listed on SSE. These listed NGOs can raise capital through various instruments such as Zero-Coupon Zero-Principle Bonds (ZCZP Bonds), Development Impact Bonds (DIBs) and more through the public market. If you want to explore more about SSE (Social Stock Exchange), keep reading this blog, we will also share more essential details related to listing of NGOs on SSE. 

Certain type of Social Enterprises or NPOs that meet the eligibility criteria may be registered on SSE and commit themselves to making continuous disclosures about their social impact. The same NPOs may raise funds from SSE but would continue making disclosures, including social impact to stock exchanges.